Rick and Morty: How Poopy Got His Poop Back (2023)
Season 7, Episode 1
Birthday, birthday, birthday
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very odd episode to kick off this new season. Usually the openers are much stronger than this. And usually with either an actual Rick and Morty adventure or at least something that moves the plot or overarching arc forward.

But it's a decent episode. It was nice to see Mr. Poopy-Butthole in a more central role than usual, and the episode offered me plenty of laughs honestly.

I will admit that I actually kind of see where some folks have been complaining for the past few seasons though. Some of the running gags fell flat, like the lawnmower joke at the very end.

Also, not that this is a dealbreaker, but why the Predator? Or Hugh Jackman? Very odd creative choices.

The change is voice actors was never going to be a dealbreaker for me either, and I honestly couldn't even tell for a vast majority of this episode and ep.2 that there was a change at all. Some cracks here and there, but I think both Caldoni and Belden are going to do an alright job!

Animation is still really good and I think everyone still feels very in-character.

Overall, a pretty decent episode with some good laughs and a plot that I thought was weird for this series, but still pretty fun and not totally implausible. I wasn't under the impression that Roiland was writing the last however many seasons so I'm not worried about his departure at all.
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