Review of Facets

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Facets (1995)
Season 3, Episode 25
Rom and Nog were great, the rest not so much
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Rom standing up to Quark for Nog's sake. That was the best part. The trill story line was weak, although I did like to see the actors take on the different Dax incarnations. But the Jadzia/Curzon situation was strained and nauseating, in my mind. It cheapened the whole symbiont premise, which is wobbly to start with. And the notion that Odo was a willing player in that situation is contrary to his essential character. To me that was a major fail. I think the episode would have been mildly entertaining with the first six incarnations as they were presented, and something more true to character for Odo.
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