Down Low (2023)
Repulsive "Comedy"
29 October 2023
There have been funny movies built around dead bodies and trying to hide them, but this is not one of those. An amusing start soon veers into WTF territory as the main characters make one clearly bad decision after another and logic swirls down the drain. It's not that bad decisions can't lead to funny situations, it's that ones that would clearly lead to consequences in the real world (which this movie positions itself in) such as murder, have none here. That leaves a viewer dumbfounded. After two deaths, the two leads are having cocktails and reminiscing about what an exciting they've had, for example. It's simply not credible. And the ending at Gary's funeral is so out of bounds it makes you feel no one was really thinking the plot and characters through. Sloppy, tonally deaf, wasting Judith Light, and just repulsive all around.
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