M*A*S*H: The Abduction of Margaret Houlihan (1976)
Season 5, Episode 6
Laughing away!
30 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing better than an episode of MASH with Colonel Flagg in it. This one had me rolling the first time I saw it and every time since then, I still laugh away at it. "If you can't get scorpions, get 2 snakes and a rat". He was a truly funny man!

I also did like the entire episode, not just the Flagg parts. I love how Klinger just can't wake up enough to tell someone that Margaret went down the road to deliver a baby. Plus, there were excellent parts with Frank and BJ when Frank was saying they might have Margaret hanging upside down and doing unspeakable things to her and BJ say "Speak a few". Classic!

The writers of that show were brilliant and just about every episode has something that interested me, including this one.
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