Review of Final Cut

Battlestar Galactica: Final Cut (2005)
Season 2, Episode 8
Okay, but a bit disappointing after the previous episode
30 October 2023
Commander Adama and President Roslin allow a journalist, D'Anna Biers, access to the Galactica. She has been savaging criticizing the military after the Gideon incident where civilians were killed by Galactica's Marines. Maybe if she sees what Galactica's personnel have to go through on a daily basis she'll have a different perspective.

The previous episode of Battlestar Galactica was fantastic, giving the fleet a purpose and the series a centre. I was expecting this episode to build on that but instead we have another episode-long sub-plot that doesn't really add anything to the greater arc of the show.

It also didn't help that the focus in this episode was on my least favourite industry, the media. Lucy Lawless' (as D'Anna Biers) accent is also quite grating, seeming out of place in the show.

Overall, it's still interesting and entertaining enough but it does give up some of the ground gained in the previous episode.
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