Review of Cold

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Cold (2008)
Season 9, Episode 19
1 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After some really good episodes in the back half of the season, the finale 'Cold' left me...well, a little underwhelmed. It certainly started in interesting fashion, with the SVU squad called to a crime scene where someone has been arrested for the attempted murder of a police officer. That someone? Chester Lake. The ensuing investigation gets complicated, causes tension in the squad and sees ADA Novak do something out of character.

It's a shame we never got to see Lake's character developed more. Outside of a few episodes, he was mostly a bit player, who seemed to take screen time away from Munch. Adam Beach, a good actor, was largely wasted.

A reasonable episode if it was buried somewhere midseason, but nothing great: there wasn't a whole lot of tension or excitement, really. Yes, there are a few cliffhangers, which will be resolved in the new season, but even they are fairly mild.
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