ManFish (2022)
A sure cult classic! Brittish humour at its finest!
1 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to start with saying as a big fan of B movies this was one of the best I've watched all year.

The cinematography is excellent, the characters are believable and the humour is perfectly timed.

Our whole watching party was laughing at the parts we were meant to laugh at, with several cheers and whoops for Terry and Boo's for Tracy, although it should be mentioned she is the stand out character in this film. She really makes you hate the character she plays so well. Despite the lower budget of the film, the actors all deliver a greater standard than most other horror comedy genre films I've seen. It's rare to actually root for a character the way we did for Terry in a horror film. We laughed several times loudly during the showing and will be repeating "mum toast" for months to come.

Everything about this film is Brittish humour summed up, perfectly dry and crude and well timed. We loved the gore and stunts included and the soundtrack was excellent. It's a perfect description of lower class Brittish culture down to the settings, language and styling of each character.

This film shouldn't be ignored and could easily make way to being a cult classic.
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