A stinging tale
3 November 2023
On the verge of a nervous break down pop singer Vicky Robbins goes on holiday to a remote island farm run by the surly Ralph Hargrove, who keeps bees. He's a difficult man with a failing marriage who owns the resort and keeps bees as a hobby. However, when Hargrove's wife dies from bee stings, Vicki discovers that someone on the island is breeding a strain of killer bees, and she has to find out who is responsible and what can be done before they kill again.

Eye candy Suzanne Leigh stars as a pop star who is shattered by her lifestyle ( probably drug induced?) and is sent to a rural part of England to rest - rustic landscape, barns, forest and rustic people might just be the balm to her problems, but she soon learns that isn't the case, not when the bees are at large. But, she learns, this is due to a mad scientist creating a deadly strain of bees and targeting particular people by using their scent. It's not scary, however it's well-acted, enjoyable, atmospheric and isn't your typical bees on the attack story - there's a twist in that score. Some genuine suspense and jump cuts is generated as the small cast is picked off one by one. Suzanne Leigh makes a good heroine, inquisitive and resourceful.
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