High Desert (2023)
pretty kerrap really in the end ....
3 November 2023
Genuinely tried to stay with this since it has Matt Dillon but in the end and he is not a big part of this it was simply too repetitious one-tracked one-actress to keep me past E04 ; i simply voted with my delete button

The main character here is too much on screen relentlessly so; overacts in almost every scene and frankly not charismatic enuff to carry the entire piece

Really the fault is not with her but with whomsoever thought it would be a good idea to do this; if it had been shared it might be a trifle better .... maybe

The story is vague all over the place in any case ... some folks clearly love it if you read the reviews but for me too low-brow too single-tracked and in the end too boring; could not care less about what happened next since nothing had happened yet

Watch something else my best advice.
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