It's better with the sound off.
4 November 2023
The film is glorious to look at. The set design, lighting and cinematography are a wholly satisfying mashup of German Expressionism, mid century modernism and some Art Deco thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately, it's all in service of a pretty terrible film.

Yes, it's Ayn Rand, and many will be put off by her the hell with the greater good selfishness she pompously calls objectivism. I was but that's not the problem I have with the film. Rather, it's the overblown, pretentious dialogue delivered by characters who forgot they they're supposed to be humans rather than just archetypes in a morality tale. It didn't have to be that way. It could have been an interesting film exploring a controversial idea. But, alas, it wasn't. Perhaps getting Rand to write the screenplay wasn't the best of ideas.
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