Mod Squad: The Wild Weekend (1972)
Season 4, Episode 21
Wild, Far-Out and Groovy, Man!
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We open with Pete seated at a patio bar as a car circles around checking him out. The driver turns out to be a hot, far-out chick wearing a sexy outrageous outfit that must be seen to be believed. A wild print blouse, chauffer cap, boots and the '70s version of booty shorts (they were "hot pants" back then - HOT being the operative word). Ok, how can this one NOT be good? Hot chick is accompanied by two guys who reminded me of a male version of the Doublemint Twins. They are named Kip and Doug, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Turns out, her name is Sassy (why wouldn't it be) and Pete apparently knows her (they were once engaged). He turns down her party invitation, calling it a "bad scene". I love how hopelessly dated this show is. We are treated to a flashback where Sassy spray paints SASSY LOVES PETE followed immediately by a shot of Sassy angrily defacing said graffiti (the transition was well-done). It's clear already she's a bit of a sociopath.

Pete is ambushed by the Twins, who kidnap and bring him back to Sassy's for her upcoming birthday bash. She's now clad in another booty shorts ensemble, this one featuring a tight purple sweater. This episode is becoming more titillating than the sleaziest '70s Grindhouse flick. The twins start playing cat-and-mouse with Pete. There seems to be some slight jealousy and homoerotic tension between Kip and Doug - with Kip definitely the "top" of the two. (I looked it up - sure enough - the actor playing Doug died of AIDS in 1988).

Pete is nearly drowned in the pool -- for Kip's amusement, and Sassy rocks a killer bikini. We see the Captain, Linc and Julie trying to track down their missing partner, which leads them to Sassy's rich ineffectual father played by Dennis Patrick ("Vaughn Leland" on DALLAS).

Next we see a far-out, groovy birthday party where a bound Pete is trotted out like a pet, put on display, and humiliated in front of the crowd. Did I mention Grindhouse already?? The Captain gets a tip that leads them to Pete's location. There's an argument that ends with Doug getting rammed by Kip's car (Freudian? Maybe) and during the takedown Linc has to hold back Pete from beating the tar out of Kip.

WOW! This is one of the most entertaining of the whole series. It's like a G-rated Exploitation flick. Brenda Scott rocks every scene she's in and not just with her killer figure. She did a Season 2 episode that is also a standout but this one is even better. The way the Doublemint Twins treat Pete like an animal gives a sleazy vibe to the episode. The wild fashions and the party sequence are the icing on the cake. It really is astonishing how this series can fluctuate between awesomeness and mediocrity but this one's a winner!
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