This is an odd show
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

This Anime is all about humans and their stupidity and how much people are sheep. What do Iean by this? Well humans objectively are sheep. Take religion for example it produces people who think one way and don't question things that are wrong. The main serial killer girl was told these people with powers are evil and need to die. So she was brainwashed like religions do to people and now she see people that are different than her as less than or not human. I seem to remember a thing called racism and also people who hate those with different sexualities and religious beliefs. The same is being shown in this show. Even though most of these people with powers are kind and good, this serial killer thinks she is helping the world by murdering these people. When in fact she has been brainwashed and is being used by others do do what they want. She is a sheep meaning she isn't thinking for herself.

Now you then have the blonde who can heal and gave her life to save her friend aka the serial killer. This irritates me because this girl ignored all the signs and blindly followed this serial killer and then saved her life ending her life and never knowing what she really did. I hope she goes to heaven or hell and a being shows her what she did. I would love to see her face when she was told her friend she defended this entire show was actually a serial killer. Instead of blindly following someone you should take a step back and look objectively.

The murders started the day this pink haired girl showed up and yet no one suspects her of anything. Except one guy. But everyone else falls for her act. I see this in our society today so many people falling for one or two peoples act who are evil and don't have the best interest for society at heart they just want money. Please make sure you think before you follow the group. This show is a perfect example of what happens when you blindly follow someone and when you cast an entire blanket over a group of people. Just because one person did something doesn't mean everyone is like that one person. That would be like saying well a few white people are racist and murders so all white people must be this. You can do this with all races. But it's a blanket statement and this type of thinking keeps you in a very small box. This pink haired serial killer had someone kill her parents and was told it was a special person with powers. So she then killed a bunch of people with powers because she decided that all people with powers are evil. Which objectively makes zero sense whatsoever.

It's an interesting Anime and it shows how our society has so many flaws. Hope you watch this and decide to be kind to all and give people a chance before deciding what type of human they are by putting labels on them before getting to know them.
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