Legion (2010)
A good conundrum, not done terribly well with minor departures from the originals
9 November 2023
I find myself drawn to these types of movies. Which I find strange because I'm in no way religious. But jumping right in. For the most part, this movie is an amalgam of at least two others. The premise is that God has become dissatisfied with humans and has decided to destroy us (again). Only this time, there's no Ark. However, there is a pregnant woman that is soon to give birth, to a baby that isn't supposed to be born, and two archangels. One angel is trying to do what he's been told, destroy humanity, the other is trying to do what he feels is right, save humanity. I'm sure you can see where this is going. Biblically and philosophically, they're on a dangerously creaky limb. Especially for Michael because he's disobeying God's command. It's an old dilemma that soldiers face. Is what I'm being ordered to do right and moral? The stakes are high when your boss is God.

The ending felt like it was pieced together at the last minute and left me thinking, "that's it?" But it did offer an "inferred" hint of the future. IE: The Book of Revelation and the Second Coming. "He came as a lamb; He returns as a lion". Thereby fulfilling prophesy? If you watch to the ending, it'll make sense when you see all the weapons.

For those of you that have seen the movie's I've alluded to, you understand my point of view. Did this movie really expand and build on an existing theme or story line? Not really, except for the last 10 minutes "inferring" the second coming. And it wasn't done all that well. As I mentioned, it felt like the ending was put together at the last minute.

Overall, if you haven't seen the other movies, The Seventh Sign (Demi Moore) and The Prophecy (Christopher Walken), it'd be an interesting watch.
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