Spiritual Penis...?
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It must of been really difficult for the crew members to not just start laughing at some of these stories that were told. First off, the two con artists that run the Twin Flame thing are what, 25 years old? What would they possibly know about, anything? This was a good documentary, but how this Twin Flame thing could even get off the ground is beyond me. All of the people that bought into this cult had one thing in common. They were vulnerable.

All of the same tropes that you see being used in all of the other cults are well documented in this film. People who left were sued by the founders, people were made to do idiot things like date woman even though they weren't a lesbian. Weird, idiotic things that makes you wonder if the founders of this group are just seeing what they can get away with.
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