OK detective movie.
12 November 2023
I tried reading the reviews for this one to see if they had anything interesting to say, but they largely all stink. Here's how they basically go: "Nick Carter was a famous character who got a radio show and three movies in America. Pigeon plays a good Carter, Meek plays a good Bartholomew. Cool action sequences. Overall fun, 6/10." It actually pissed me off. TELL ME something about the movie instead of some base trivia that has nothing to do with the movie's quality and besides two actors.

So here we go: the plot has some interesting progression, but there's only so much detail that can go into an hour-long movie, especially since much of the movie is either about an action scene with a plane or about some beekeeper doing half of our main character's job in a humorous way. As far as the acting goes, while Pigeon certainly does a good job with the role, this Nick Carter guy is such a stereotypical crime detective that there's really no reason to watch this movie. On top of that, the only other character who gets any real development is Bartholomew, and he honestly feels smarter than our detective. On top of that, his humorous output is like a bad mix of showoffy sidekick and Gollum-knockoff.

Despite some good action scenes, there's very little character development here, which means that the movie's case rarely feels personal or human like it has in some of the best mystery movies ever, like Vertigo or The Third Man, or even modern movies like Seven. So the all-and-all is that this entire case feels like just another episode of an OK modern-day crime show like Law and Order. And while my score may stay the same as many other reviews for this movie, I hope I provided more insight.
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