This Peret recital is a lively but mediocre musical comedy with romance and a lot of songs.
13 November 2023
The young gypsy Peret (Peret himself) and his friend Fidel (José Sazatornil) own a Mesón frequented by tourists. Peret entrusts the expansion of the business to a young decorator named Lina (Dyanik Zurakowska) to build a larger and more luxurious place to sing, but she falls madly in love with him. Lina is the daughter of a wealthy woman (Yvonne Bastien) living in London who, upon finding out about her daughter's affair, comes to Spain to find out Peret's true intentions, but she also falls in love with him. Then a love triangle takes place, between mother, daughter and Peret.

Fifth feature film by 'Rumbero' Peret built for his show, here he plays the owner of a tourist Mesón at Madrid, he's a gypsy Rumbas singer whose songs will make both a young woman and her mother fall in love. A friendly and light comedy that has as its background the 'tourist boom' in Spain at the end of the 1960s. This is a joyful as well as entertaining Spanish musical comedy with a brief romantic drama, regularly realized by Antonio Román and financed by the powerful producer Benito Perojo who discovered and produced most of Peret's films as the successful ¨Amor a todo gas¨ by Ramón Torrado, ¨A mí las mujeres, ni fu ni fa¨ by Mariano Ozores ó ¨El Taxi de los conflictos'¨by José Luís Saenz de Heredia. El mesón del gitano(1970) is an enjoyable and feeling movie with attractive musical set pieces and in final takes places the ordinary happy end, of course. This is a charming story proceeded in simplicity and delicacy , providing a lot of chances of singing . The main role "Peret" is played by himself in a phenomenal way , can be said that he is perfectly adequate to his measure . Of course , Peret steals the show as a splendid singer in Spanish style : he created the ' Rumba Catalana'. Peret was a Spaniard gypsy singer and guitarist, best known for his 1971 hit single "Borriquito" (the Mosquito song). He was one of the best known singers of Spanish songs both in Spain and internationally . Represented Spain at the 1974 Eurovision song contest. Co-stars Yvonne Bastien , a notorious actress who worked with director Antonio Roman in various films as 'Pacto De silencio' and 'Ringo de Nebraska', and Dyanik Zurakowska, especially known for Spaghetti Westerns, Giallos and terror movies as The Vampires Night Orgy, El coleccionista de Cadáveres, La orgía de los muertos, El asesino está entre los trece, Sexy Cat, Rebeldes de Arizona, 20,000 dólares por un cadáver. They're well accompanied by a goood support cast with plenty of familar faces, such as: José Sazatornil 'Saza', Margot Cottens, Xan das Bolas, José María Tasso, Elsa Zabala and Eduardo Fajardo.

Based on the work of Jesús Maria De Arozamena and Antonio Quintero, the picture was regularly directed by Antonio Román. An uneven filmmaker, making good and bad films and this 'El meson del gitano' corresponds to the second group. Román was Spain's most celebrated filmmaker , wrote a lot of of movies and directed a few short documentaries and went on to become one of the managers of the Cooperativa Cinematográfica Castilla . His film debut was a documentary , ¨La Ciudad Encantada¨. And subsequently his first full length film was 1941's "Escuadrilla" (Squadron), it was made in collaboration with Raza's José Luis Sáenz De Heredia . Later on , he directed various dated historical dramas as the biographic ¨Lola Montes¨ , and ¨Lópe De Vega's Fuenteovejuna¨ . And notorious adaptations : ¨Shakespeare's Fierecilla Domada¨,¨ Buero Vallejo's Madrugada¨, ¨Angel Maria Lera's Clarines Del Miedo¨. Furthermore , several dramas as ¨Pacto De Silencio¨ , ¨La Vida Encadenada¨ and ¨Intriga¨. And he made some Folkloric films . Soon after , he went on writing reviews and directing films throughout the '60s and into the 70s , although his output slowed . In 1970, he was fired from the set of "Ringo Del Nebraska", after having filmed less than 10%, because the producer did not like his slow and meticulous pace. He was replaced by Mario Bava, his friend and protégé , in fact Román wrote "Planet of the Vampires" , out of respect for Román, Bava refused to accept credit on the film. El mesón del gitano(1970) rating : 4.5/10.
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