Dimag Kharab (2023)
Made for us and may be by one of Us
13 November 2023
Its Monday 10:15 AM show. Normally the crowd wouldn't have gathered so much but its festive season and the stakes are high. This movie is competing with two giants "Tiger 3" and "Marvels" but still crowd is there so word of mouth must be good. I chose my pockets money to this one over the other two, for other two I ll wait for different reviews but this one I did go blindly.

If Checking the viewers pulse is an art you must say Nischal has nailed that art , something similar to Rajkumar Hirani or Rohit Shetthy in bollywood. There are lot of "Whisteling" moments especially whenever the Nischhal appears in his cameos. Because they are like falsettos for the viewers.

The movie picks up the most generic problem of common man and brings the journey of making that common man a leader in the form of "indra sharma". Khagendra Playing Indra Sharma is always known for his emotional role starting from Pashupati Prasad, then Dhanapati .. the list goes on. However, here he has got trops even his sandal has the arch from being broken to an election symbol. The comic punches are in the form of Dayahang Rai who has provided the light heartedness in the movie. Arpan is into the mayor's character with his poker face, this is a treat to watch. In swastima you can see the growth, she is adding her accolades brick by brick. Songs are beautiful, specially the one with "Birami Mulukma" brings the glimpses of "Garibko Chameli" or Ayushman's Khurana starrer Article 15's " Bade Bade logan ke" the folk song. Similarity is it talks about people in bottom, the marginalized the ones without social safety nets. Its gonna be in my listening list for long..because I was stomping my feet even in the theater.

It's not like Nischhal has not taken the liberty of convenience but it is worth watching because this movie is for us and by one of us may be....
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