Fear the Walking Dead: Keeping Her Alive (2023)
Season 8, Episode 10
I can almost see rock bottom.
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When Madison returned to the show I hoped it might get better, maybe even end on a high note - and for the briefest of moments it actually did. But if this episode is any indication, Fear will continue to disappoint over the final two episodes.

Here are just some of the absurd ideas, scenes, contrivances, and ridiculous coincidences in this episode...

Tracy dives into the water and somehow swims to shore while her hands are tied and she's wearing clothes and a jacket - this would be an astonishingly difficult swim for a child of her size and age even if her hands weren't tied.

Tracy just happens to be wearing the necklace that Strand gave to Alicia (and, if memory serves, Daniel gave to Strand). Gee. I can't wait to see the reveal as to why that is.

Only moments after being abandoned by Madison, Victor just happens to run into the MRAP - speaking of which, how on earth is that thing still functioning after 15+ years into the zombie apocalypse? It takes a *LOT* of maintenance to keep one of those things operational, fueled up, and fully loaded. Anyway, it's being driven by a handful of women who started an Alicia Clark cult. Uh... ok...? Also these women all look like they just picked up their clothes brand new off the shelves at Apocalypse R Us. Not to mention their perfectly styled hairdos. Did they stop at the Salon to get a perm and mani-pedi before fueling up the MRAP to go looking for Strand? I NEED ANSWERS!!

Sherry's *WHITE* jacket is spotless even though it was completely covered in blood and gore just one episode ago.

Madison spends her time rocking out to Motley Crue in the woods while slaughtering zombies with her sledge hammer. I'm sure this scene was meant to be "badass" but it was just ridiculous. First of all - where on earth is she finding batteries to power that tape player? Secondly, swinging a sledge around that much would completely exhaust her and would probably damage her back after a while. That she's using a sledge hammer as her primary weapon - instead of an improvised weapon of necessity - really just speaks to her extreme stupidity as there are countless better options that would allow her to fend off many more zombies without using up all of her energy. Michonne really needs to introduce Madison to a sword. Or even just a knife.

Also the main characters all distrust and betray each other, switching allegiances multiple times in this episode - this has been a running theme with this show since the earliest seasons but jeez oh man it feels like it's happening much more frequently in these final episodes.

A production error but the maps they're using are all modern maps - not from 15+ years ago. You can literally see the year the map was printed (2020) on one of them.

I could go on and on but meh. At this point if you're still watching this show it's either because you've got the same morbid curiosity I do or, for reasons probably best left unsaid, you actually like this garbage.

Two episodes to go. As much as I hate this show I will be sad when it ends.
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