Asteroid City (2023)
Reminds me of a bad Route66 trip
14 November 2023
In the middle of the desert nothing happens and no one cares one iota what you think. I saw this recently whilst ensconced on a long-haul flight, and when the in-flight entertainment system tanked for 20 minutes until they could restart it, I should've given up and quit. Foolishly I fought with the the in-flight entertainment system to get back to roughly where I was.

In my childhood Mum & Dad would drive Route66 to/from Texas to California and the desperation one suffers is rather equal to the desperation looking for any semblance to a plot in this movie. While Wes Anderson has done some quirky movies, even Scarlett Johansen couldn't make this watchable. It was like a very bad LSD trip that just never ended.
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