Wings of War (2018)
Inaccurate documentary
16 November 2023
I happened to stumble on Episode 3 of the first series and was shocked by the errors in the script of this poorly researched program. They discuss the brief career of Max Immelmann, the WWI fighter ace. They begin by describing him as being "a Prussian gentleman, very isolated, didn't talk to anyone, ice cold". (See later) They claim that his first victory in a Fokker Eindecker was when he shot down a French pilot. This is totally inaccurate! Immelmann was himself shot down by a French pilot before he'd received his first Eindecker! In fact he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class for saving his aircraft when he crash landed.

His first victory in an Eindecker came on August 1st when he shot down Lt William Read. For which he received the Iron Cross 1st class.

After severely injuring Read and also causing the engine of the British plane to fail, he followed Read's plane down, landed nearby, shook hands with Lt Read and told him "You are my prisoner." At this point he pulled Read from the wreckage and rendered first aid. The following day, he visited Lt Read in hospital - hardly the behaviour of the austere, isolated Prussian who didn't talk to anyone!!

If the rest of this series is characterised by this level of sloppy journalism, I shan't be watching.
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