Review of North

Fear the Walking Dead: North (2016)
Season 2, Episode 15
another good episode
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
2x15 Rating: 8.6/10

Storyline: Travis sits dazed on the hotel cafe floor after killing Brandon and Derek. Hector and Elena haul Travis away and remove Oscar, who is unconscious after Travis attacked him to prevent him from interfering. Madison tries to defend Travis, but Elena points out that he killed two men and badly hurt Oscar.

Madison returns to the cafe and stabs Brandon and Derek through the head.

Luciana dresses Alejandro's bite wound. He tells her he's dying. She orders him to lie to the townspeople to keep their faith intact.

Strand tries to dissuade Madison from speaking up for Travis, who Elena wants to banish. Alicia and Madison decide to leave the hotel together with Travis. Strand refuses to join them.

Madison tells Elena that they will leave with Travis in the morning and asks her to release Travis from captivity. Elena feels she owes Madison and allows it despite Hector's reluctance.

Madison enters the game room where Travis is locked up and tells him that she and Alicia will leave with him in the morning.

Nick begs Luciana to leave La Colonia with him. "We're going to meet our fate," she says. "Do what you do, Nick. Run."

Andrés treats Oscar, who is still unconscious. Alicia offers to help. He tells her he must remove a piece of Oscar's skull to reduce swelling and orders her to leave.

Alejandro warns the townspeople that men are coming to kill them, but that their faith will protect them. "We will not die today," he declares.

Meanwhile, Nick leaves La Colonia. As he walks down a Tijuana road smeared with infected blood, he spots a helicopter landing in the near distance.

Andrés drills into Oscar's head as Elena and Hector stand by.

That night, Madison joins Travis on the balcony of their hotel room and assures him that Brandon and Derek deserved their fate. She says that she too killed someone - Celia - in order to protect Nick.

Oscar dies on the operating table. Andrés slams his fist in anger. Hector seethes and rants to Elena that Travis is safe and sound upstairs. Elena reminds him that they made a deal with Madison.

Hector and Andrés barge into Travis' room and beat him. Andrés holds a gun to Travis' head. Alicia stabs Andrés, and a melee ensues. Strand grabs Andrés' gun and orders everyone out. "We need to run," he says.

Travis, Madison, and Alicia pile into a car outside the hotel. Strand gives the gun to Madison and stays behind. Travis accelerates and plows through the front gate.

Nick returns to La Colonia and goes to Alejandro in his trailer. Nick says he saw a medevac helicopter land in a camp near the border and urges Alejandro to give the villagers permission to flee. Nick says he and Luciana can lead the villagers north.

Madison, Travis, and Alicia go to El Pelícano to look for Nick. They discover the bodies of Francisco's family in the back of the empty market, bullet wounds through their heads. They find Francisco's driver's license with his La Colonia address.

The next day, Marco and the Los Hermanos gangsters arrive at La Colonia and shoot infected in the fenced yard before entering the premises.

Marco's gang finds the town deserted and celebrates their easy victory. Alejandro watches from a hiding spot then goes to the school bus in the yard. He starts the bus. Marco hears the bus and runs toward the yard.

Alejandro drives the bus forward, unblocking the fence gap and allowing the infected to flood into La Colonia. Marco's gang sees the herd walking toward them and runs.

Nick and Luciana lead the villagers toward the U. S. border.

Madison, Travis, and Alicia arrive in La Colonia. While Madison and Travis enters La Colonia to search for Nick, Alicia stays behind in the yard and notices the stalled school bus.

In the town square, Travis and Madison encounter a large herd of infected, which now includes Marco and his gangsters.

Madison and Travis find Alicia on the bus, tending to a dying Alejandro. Madison tells Alejandro she's looking for Nick. Alejandro informs Madison that Nick went to the border because he saw something, but dies before he can mention the camp.

Nick, Luciana, and the Colonists arrive at the border crossing. A plume of smoke rises in the distance. Through binoculars, Nick sees the medevac helicopter leaving a refugee camp. An armed survivor suddenly pops up from behind an abandoned vehicle and shoots Luciana, then the entire armed group emerges and open fire onto the Colonists. Nick and Luciana hide behind a booth but are captured by one of the attackers.

On the bus, Alicia hands Madison her Balisong. Madison closes Alejandro's eyes, turns his head to the side, and drives in the blade, preventing him from reanimating.

The armed men separate Nick and Luciana and shove them to the ground.
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