Half Way (2023)
LIFF37 2023 #5
18 November 2023
It is fantastic that director/writer Alfie Barker is from Leeds, the Northern English County I am proudly from. It's often rare I see stories come from where I am from, so it is somewhat refreshing to see that. I say 'somewhat' because we don't get a lot. I haven't seen the other short films he made, but now I'm interested.

I liked the wide shots of open space and even close-up shots to visually present the characters' isolation and detachment from social norms. The director has an eye for visuals and storytelling with characters.

The short feels very human and has a sensitive approach to the group of troubled but vulnerable women. There is a sense of community within them, and the brief yet fun-loving moments help us forget the hardships we know as life.
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