Fear the Walking Dead: The Road Ahead (2023)
Season 8, Episode 12
"It can't end like this." But it did.
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As always, the series finale of Fear is filled to the brim with this show's most awful tropes. Stupid contrivances, stiff unnatural dialogue, unnecessary flashbacks, bad acting, unearned characterisation, desperate exploitation of nostalgia, and a severe lack of anything that feels honest, real and human. This is such a far cry from where the show started and all I'm left feeling is sadness that amc and those behind the franchise let this terrible quality tarnish the brand so vehemently. It's a disrespect to the fans and creators who do genuinely care about this series. I simply don't understand how they could be content with this nonsensical, low effort travesty of "entertainment" unless they just didn't care. And unfortunately that is most likely the case.

Most noteworthy of all though, considering this is supposed to be a character drama, the way everyone drives off in different directions at the end is perfectly indicative of the lack of connection and sturdy relationships between the characters. They end just as separated as they've always been, never truly cohesive as a whole or unique on their own, simply remaining lifeless mouth-pieces for the writers to announce how important thematic messages and second chances are. These showrunners had five seasons of chances to make a good show and failed almost every step of the way. They had five seasons to explore these themes in a believable and engaging manner and never did. So if anyone has a right to talk about second chances and the importance of stories, it certainly ain't these guys. Quite bluntly, this is a bad story and these writers failed at their jobs.

Also, Alicia coming out of nowhere and reuniting with Madison after five seconds of rushed build up (in a random tent of all places) is so lame and lifeless of a reunion. They just immediately start talking about the themes of the show and outside of the actresses trying their best, they barely have a real and human piece of dialogue between them. This is a sad, amateurish, bad ending to a sad, amateurish, bad show.
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