The Traveler (I) (2010)
Could have been...but wasn't
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This had a really interesting storyline and Val Kilmer was always. Even the unknown supporting actors were good. Then there were the huge plot holes you could fly a 747 through and the dumb choices that were made with this script. You could have literally saved this movie by adding little things that maybe would have added 5 minutes to the whole movie and yet would have made it 1000 times more successful. Let's start with the relationship between the girl cop and the other guy, totally unnecessary and adds nothing to the story. Also with her character, if she's "one of the guys" enough to torture the drifter then she shouldn't be relegated to screaming and freaking out during key moments. Second, why does the desk guy pull a gun on Val like 3 seconds after he walked in? Seemed weird and unnecessary. Also, show the desk guy writing down that Val came in. It's a 3 second shot that would make something later on actually make sense. Next, don't have the state cops come in saying they are working an accident on the freeway and then show them in the woods in the middle of nowhere later, that's just lazy, if you want them in the woods then put them in the woods initially. Now comes my biggest issue and it seems like maybe this was a money issue like the production used all their money on Val and couldn't afford props? Why the hell are there NO radios in a police station?!?! They can't call anyone because the phones don't work but they don't even try a radio. Find one prop radio and be like "oh this is down too" THEN you can send the cops out to find the state cops. Then they get into the car to find the state cops...but still don't try the radio?! What?! Then she gets back to the station with the car and hits other cars...but they try and push that car out to get it going? Do they only have one cop car? Did nobody else drive to work? Again makes the movie not make sense and cheap. Also, why is the interrogation room in a bathroom? Then my last issue, they should have killed the last cop, let the nobody disappear and kept him innocent. The ending is just dumb. How do you kill a ghost? Come on. Anyway, could have been good...but it just wasn't.
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