Review of Beans

Beans (2020)
Beans Review
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie that I am doing the Media Summative Assignment on is called "Beans''. "Beans'' was filmed in 2019 and was released in 2020. The movie was Written by Meredith Vuchnich and Tracey Deer and directed by Tracey Deer as well as Produced by Anne-Marie Gélians.

Some of the featured performers in the movie are Jeremie Earp,Alex Bisping,Frank Marrs,Adam LeBlanc,Angie Reid,Caroline Gelinas,Ida Labillos-Montour,Dawn Ford,Jay Cardinal Villeneuve,Kelly Beaudoin,Brittany LeBorgne,Taio Gelinas,Joel Montgrand,D'Pharaoh Woon- A - Tai,Paulina Alexis,Violah Beauvais,Rainbow Dickerson and Kiawentiio. A quick synopsis of the movie "Beans'' is that a twelve year old girl named Beans who is growing up to be a Mohawk Warrior who is tough since it is during the time of the Oka Crisis consisting of two Mohawk communities and the Quebec Police and the Canadian Army having a standoff which lasted 78 days.

The standoff started because of a Mohawk protest camp in a pine forest which was invaded because of the fact that there was a municipal golf course that was trying to be expanded on the land of the Mohawk's which had a native burial ground on it. Three things that I liked about this film were.1) How much the movie was trying to tell us about the Oka Crisis and how awful it was for the indigenous people.2) The movie showing us how a lot of the indigenous people stuck together to fight for what they were believing in.3) The movie showing us the different ways that the indigenous people were affected by the Oka Crisis. One thing that was confusing in the movie was when it kept going from actual live footage of the Oka Crisis to the senses with the characters and then back again.

Another thing that was confusing in the movie was the footage of the residents of Quebec speaking French because I didn't understand a lot of what they were saying. Something that the movie connects to in the course is how indigenous people are miss represented to a certain extent where people start to think of them one way even though it's inaccurate and false. I would recommend this movie to everybody because it shows the importance of learning about how serious the Oka Crisis was and how it left impacts on indigenous people.
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