21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, it's incredible this movie isn't talked about more! This is an extremely thought-provoking film. It draws on an all too common reality in our society; Messed up parents make broken people. It feels like a fully believable story in this way

Jamie (the main character) embodies what happens to us when we have parents that you can never be good enough for. With two parents, and other caring individuals around her constantly wanting more, expecting her to be someone, she gets lost in the noise and simply walks down the path that seems the simplest. Doing so is aligning herself towards the one person that seemed to care about her; Her father. Jamie ignores all other "noise" created by these authoritative individuals, as one would do if they had awful parents.

Really well-thought-out writing by late Macs McAree and late Stanley H. Brassloff. What a shame they never made other stories. Just goes to show, no matter how hard you try, people may just never see your vision. I'll try my part of keeping this story alive in the cult following world. As I strongly believe that this film is a unsung masterclass on dramatic storytelling.

I guess ya just got to have a open mind to things.
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