The Lucy Show: Lucy and the Lost Star (1968)
Season 6, Episode 22
Legendary Episode -- Because of Backstage Drama
21 November 2023
Lucy's car breaks down near Joan Crawford's house, and when she and Viv ask to use the telephone, they mistakenly conclude that the famous star has become destitute and scheme to help her get back on her feet.

This episode is probably more famous for the backstage drama than what we see on the screen. What was it with Lucy and actresses named Joan? First Blondell, then Crawford. Anyway, you can Google that info elsewhere, so on to the episode...

This is not a series' best but it's a must-see once you've read about the behind-the-scenes drama. Joan gives a very strange performance and some curious line readings. If you didn't know she was Hollywood royalty, there is no indication here. The sitcom format was definitely not her forte. In retrospect, seeing Joan being obsessive about house-cleaning is surreal when we all know the legend of Mommie Dearest. Every time I watch this I can't get over how diminutive she looks.

The opening scene has some good jokes in it and Lucy and Viv fall back into their old rhythm immediately. I just wish Viv wasn't sporting that ugly meatball hairdo - it ages her terribly. It's funny when Mooney calls them the Smothers Mothers.

When we get to the show-within-a-show, Lucy's gum-chewing 1920s "Rusty" character recalls Season 4's "Lucy the Gun Moll" where she played a gangster's girl with the same name. Vivian looks like a drag queen in her flapper costume. It's funny when Lucy calls Joan "Honeysuckle Rose" and when Joan takes the second hit of gin. Apparently, the Charleston number was cut down so we only see Joan dancing for about ten seconds. Mooney does make a memorable entrance as "Scarface" though - and fifteen years before Pacino!

Lew Parker plays Crawford's agent. This is his fourth appearance in Season 6, each time playing a different character. Simultaneously, he was appearing as Marlo Thomas' father on THAT GIRL.
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