Going Home (1971)
Lacklustre story - Can't imagine it got made
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is what is wrong with the world or should I say USA. The film is about the character played by Robert Mitchum who has committed a serious crime at an earlier point in his life. And how after his release from prison on parole he is trying to make good while living in a trailer..

The female lead is excellent, and Robert Mitchum's acting is good and understated. The film turns on the issue of Robert Mitchum's character's grown son re-entering his life.

The son presents to us as a good-for-nothing aimless sort. And by the end of the film we find out why he has returned to Mitchum's character. Basically to get back at his father for the crime against his mother.

The son instead of wanting to create a clean life for himself comes back to avenge the crime against his mother. This is what I meant when I referred to what's wrong with the world or USA. Some of us want to make sure that the pain we experience is experienced by others no matter what it costs us or anyone else.

A truly sad portrayal of the human condition. Why would ANYONE want to go see a pointless film of futility such as this one. It has no redeeming message except that Robert Mitchum's character faces upto his demons and still tries to make good.

Leaving the past behind is critical instead of digging up buried skeletons. If you want to do that it needs to be done as inner work in therapy and not in seeking revenge in the external world. Because all you are doing is adding to the misery of the world, of which there is more than enough.
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