Napoleon (2023)
"liberty, equality, jospheine
23 November 2023
Napoleon is remembered for a multitude of reasons, military prowess, political power, and ambition. Being a very angry small French man. (one of these is false) regardless he's one of history's most famous figures. Ridley Scott once more delivers us another period drama blurring the lines of Fact and fiction to create an entertaining historical epic. As you follow his story from Soldier to Emperor of France. His complex relationship with his wife Josephine. The film manages to cover the majority of Napoleon's life from the French Revolution to the battle of Waterloo and his exiles. Phoenix gives a good performance as Bonaparte depsite his accent being subpar he showcases aspects of the man with that famous Complex. He's not played as a Flawless Figure he is very flawed in his way. From timid to awkward, stoic and arrogance. When he enters a room, he gives off that presence of someone trying to puff his chest out, yet still trying to come off as intimidating and in charge. Then there are times when his leadership and his arrogance shines along with some badass moment when he's in charge as well as some funny moments that aren't Intentionally funny but come off as funny. Vanessa Kirby as Josephine also gives a good performance she comes off as his muse, extravagant, glamorous while not a Saint herself she awful but really both of them are a mess, yet they feel like they need one another which does complicate matters down the line. It's not a healthy relationship which makes the dialogue between them interesting to say the least. So, there's a lot of focus on their relationship, but also Napoleon's conflict with the consulate and the Diplomacy between Austria and Russia and the battles. The battles are good nicely shot graphic and leave you wanting more. While clocking in at about 2hr 38 it does feel like it's packed and rushed at times first half seems to fly by, to reach the point of him becoming emperor. Doesn't really delve into why his enemies despise him. Doesn't address the Napoleonic codes or his overall presence to the public. There's a 4hr director cut coming to Apple+ and perhaps fix these issues,but is it's a decently good film.
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