Lots going on but adds up to nada due to second-guessing clueless producers and lazy directing/editing
23 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose I prefer these kinds of episodes when a lot of things are happening but it could of been so much better. First, Carisi's and Rollins stress-fueled argument seemed annoying a bit at first until you realize what it's really about. It's probably one of their better scenes ever. Kat fits right in I guess, almost too quickly. She's like some infallible prodigy from mere street crime and undercover work. Fine... Whatever. Apparently she read *every* open case file in the last episode and that makes her an expert now. I guess that's how young people think the world works so she is representing their naivete well. But it's good she fits in, even though her lack of experience is ridiculously downplayed for too long despite the tacked-on after-thought ending. She appears to be a good actress but the show isn't helping with tiresome banal lines like, "I don't need a babysitter". Neither are they helping her with the editing or lack of consistency in the script or directing. When Kat and Carisi interview the suspect wearing the kilt for the first time, the scene makes no sense. Kat decides all on her own to ignore any plans of not antagonizing the suspect too much so that they can keep them talking. Carisi looks disappointed by her line of questioning or that she totally ignored his plan to take the lead. You have to wonder if some lousy producer forced them to cut out Carisi chastising Kat for getting the suspect to shutdown too quickly, and probably calling his lawyer immediately. I mean... they completely wasted that trip for a nothing-burger interview, but it's like they try to retroactively make up so baloney that they got something out it. Whatever. It's clear they changed their mind and decided we cant have the White male with far more experience and even a law degree "mansplaining" to the young non-White lady. Whatever. How about just do the scene right the first place. You either have them stick to a plan and work together or you don't. If they don't stick to a plan and don't work together then by definition that is a conflict, and you can't just ignore that for the entire show or do some lousy editing to pretend it did not happen.
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