Dead by Midnight is a below-average horror anthology primarily catering to diehard horror enthusiasts
23 November 2023
I recently watched Dead by Midnight (2022) on Tubi. This modernized horror anthology blends comedy, horror, gore, and iconic horror superstars, offering a mix of storylines, commercials, and other random, fun content.

Crafted by numerous horror directors known for their expertise in short films, the cast includes Kane Hodder (Hatchet), Bill Moseley (House of 1,000 Corpses), Hannah Fierman (V/H/S), Hannah Alline (The Hunt), and Linnea Quigley (The Return of the Living Dead).

This movie is quite erratic. Similar to most horror anthologies, the content varies, but in this case, it oscillates between being bad and really bad. I enjoyed the commercials featuring Kane Hodder the most. While the dialogue is hilarious at times, the use of CGI gore and blood in some segments falls flat. There are standout moments, like the humorous "bag of dicks" commercial and some well-executed gore and surgery scenes that deserved a 10/10. On the flip side, there are segments that rate a dismal 1/10 and are painfully bad.

In conclusion, Dead by Midnight is a below-average horror anthology primarily catering to diehard horror enthusiasts. I'd give it a 4/10 and suggest considering other options.
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