Mortal Wound (2021–2024)
Season two sucks!
24 November 2023
In a perplexing twist, season two introduced a slew of new characters only to dispatch them unceremoniously, leaving viewers questioning the narrative direction. The revolving door of faces created a disjointed storyline, making it challenging to invest in any character's fate. The series seemed to veer into a narrative abyss, with the abrupt deaths contributing little to the overall plot. Instead of enriching the story, these casualties felt more like a misguided attempt at shock value, leaving fans disenchanted. The absence of a coherent trajectory left the audience feeling adrift, as if the show had lost its narrative compass. Season two's penchant for disposing of characters without meaningful impact transformed the viewing experience into a frustrating exercise in unpredictability, ultimately detracting from the series' once-compelling narrative arc.
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