My Daemon (2023)
Don't understand the high rating
26 November 2023
I was intrigued by the art and was immediately turned off by the script. Every other word is "daemon", and everyone pronounces it "DAY-mahn"; it's irritatingly repetitive. I'm only 15 minutes in, and it feels like I've heard the word about 50 times. The main character doesn't know why people don't like the "DAY-mahns", despite living in this world, and every person he meets is disgusted and horrified. He hasn't asked why? As another reviewer said, I don't know who the target audience is here. It's annoyingly amateurish writing coupled with interesting (and graphic) art, as well as adult themes, make it really hard to decide which frame of mind i need to be in to enjoy it. But even if i could, I'm not sure i can listen to anymore "DAY-mahn" every 5 seconds.
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