Such an interesting story.
26 November 2023
The extraordinary story of Twin Flames, an organisation set up by Jeff and Shaleia Divine, it's purpose to coach people into finding their one true love, their twin flame, a one and only love, regardless of the consequences.

It's one of those shocking documentaries, you will get to the end of it, want to scratch your head, and say to yourself, is this real, did I just watch real life events.

It is a lesson in first class manipulation, what Jeff does to his 'victims' is quite shocking, I honestly found some of it hard to take in. Talk about taking advantage of vulnerable people, some of whom have very serious and clear mental health issues.

In episodes one and two I was questioning how and why people were allowing themselves to be taken advantage of, but by the third episode I could fully see the power and control Jeff was able to exert.

Jeff is definitely an interesting character, I'm still baffled at how people fell for his antics, at times he came across as utterly loathsome.

A fascinating and disturbing series.

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