Pretty decent except for the ending
28 November 2023
I'm a sucker for cliché and overdone concepts, such as fake marriage plots like in this series. I like these concepts when they're done well and I think that you could say that about this series.

I liked the two main characters and their chemistry together. I found their contrasting personalities entertaining. There were some nice and insightful dialogue between the characters as well. I'm disappointed in the fact that they didn't showcase this chemistry more, because this would have made the relationship feel more natural.

My biggest disappointment was the ending though. I'm not sure what happened, but the ending felt messy and lazy. There wasn't enough character development in this series to make the ending believable. The ending just felt so out of place, which is a shame, because with some better character development and a better ending, this series could have been so much more enjoyable!
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