zombie apocalypse without the zombies
28 November 2023
This isn't the worst entry in the series. It's decently acted and directed, with a quality cast, and the action is pretty well done. But the idea is getting tired; and the theme has gradually evolved from an interesting straight-up horror/thriller set-up to a non-too-subtle political message that is anti-Right and perilously close to being anti-White. Put it this way, all the bad guys belong to a certain ethnic group - and there's only one ethnic group these days that would ever be allowed to play that role, isn't there? Josh Lucas and his mates appear merely as token 'good Whites' to sweeten the pill.

Things must be bad when people are actually fleeing en masse to drug-war-torn Mexico for safety; and the film enjoys this never-gonna-happen role reversal a bit too much. For it to come about would not be a question of just a few tweaks, or going a little further down the path we're on; it would be a complete up-ending of reality.
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