Another silly and dull mirror episode
30 November 2023
Episode 12 of the last season and they still show standalone episodes with not attempt to move the story line to conclusion???

And why is it, that we see another alternate universe episode? This topic is done. We have seen all we need to see. Especially since this episode adds nothing to the storyline of the alternate universe. We witness - yet again - terrible acting from evil Kira in her skin-tight black dress. This time accompanied by an even worse acting evil Ezri in similar black dress which absolutely did not work for this character. In no second I believed that this Ezri character is now a meany.

And this Nagus story was dumb as well. Travels to the alternate universe to explore new business oportunities. Only accompanied by his speechless und useless bodyguard.

You have to imagine: The Nagus rules whole Ferenginar. The Ferengi are an advanced race capable of intergalactic travel. To reach such an evolution in technology lots of inventions have to be done prior to that, meaning: This civilization muss be old. Compared to earth it would be safe to say, that such a highly developed civilization must have 10-20 billion individuums - maybe even scattered over several planets. And here we have the Nagus, that is their leader. Yet, you do not see any other people around him but his one bodyguard. No assistants, no counselors, no politicians, no company leaders, no military... just no one. As if a person alone would be making deals that would impact billions of people. The Nagus would be accompanied by an entourage bigger than the one of the US president. And he only is the leader of around 340 million people, not a whole race and planet like the Nagus!
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