A re-set after a tragedy is a "Return to Zero", a starting point.
1 December 2023
We somehow missed this fine movie nine years ago when it came out, but presently found it on DVD at our public library.

It is about a couple who are expecting their first child, a boy, they will name him Arthur, they paint his room blue and prepare for the job of raising their son. But something happens, tragedy strikes, and they have to re-evaluate their whole lives.

The story is based on a real couple who went through this, the DVD extras include remarks by the husband who wrote about it and directs this movie. So what is presented is highly authentic.

Paul Adelstein is the husband, Aaron Royal, and Minnie Driver is the wife, Maggie Royal. Both are excellent in their roles. Driver even co-wrote and co-sings the song over the closing credits. She has a very nice singing voice.

It is not a pleasant subject, on the surface, but turns out to being a good movie.
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