Review of Beacon 23

Beacon 23 (2023– )
3 December 2023
I'm only up to episode 4, and thus this isnt a review of the whole series.

Neverthe less, I have a passionate love of sci fi and story telling, and this show hits all the marks. I also have really high standards of sci fi. Im a proper Nerd Lord and lvoer of all geekdom.

I went into it blind, didnt read a single review, only knew Lena Headey was in it. Shes great in most things, most people know her from GoT but I liked her in The Parole Officer. (Im a big Steve Coogan Alan Partridge Fan as much as I am a sci fi fan!).

And she delivers. She knows her art. I love that shes a seasoned actress and knows her stuff. And Also that shes high enough in her career to be allowed her northern accent to shine through, which i'm biased in being a Geordie.

I love the set, its got attention to detail and feels like a real life like lighthouse of the far future in far off space. The sets are marvellous and I love the little touches like authentic expensive wood desks and chair for the master in his/her domain like all the great ships of the past and colonies. Its a mark of respect and richness and an employee high up in the food chain of responsibility.

Then theres the costumes. Excellent again. Real attention to detail. All looks great and real. Well thought out. Real believability.

I suppose you could complain about the show using old sci fi tropes, but I really think this show uses them enough to build a decent sci fi world of itself. The Soldiers 'charging' ability (or charging abilities? ;) ). The Stimpacks. The Weapons. The Guns. All seem to be made and thought out with love of the sci fi genre.

The 1st episode was a bit naff in a few little ways, but thats the wants of a seasoned Sci fi fan. The mystery we were given was not epxlained enough and as an audience member I thought that if there were more explanations then more acceptance of the show would be in order, but show runners and stories love there mysteries to keep u engaged.

The 2nd Episode then pushed on the world building with some good violent narratives and methodology/motivation to the cast and new cast. A complex world in a universe with mistakes , like the real world where people suffering somewhere will always have consequences.

And the 4th episode (yeah the 3rd was good dont worry, I just dont feell it worth a mention), but the 4th had some real skill in story telling and sci fi. Its up there with 2001 A Space Odessy. YES. That amazing film by Kubrick. I wont say any more for fear of spoilers but wow. I was hooked and it was brilliant. Plus anyone and anything commenting on nasty billionniares is really needed in this world right now, if u bother to look at what Peter Thiel, Murdoch and Musk have been upto lately.

So all in all, im very excited to keep watching this show and hope it carries on. I have read the SILO books and was a big fan, then the show came out and loved the show runners attempts at delivering that story. It succeeded imho, I really enjoyed everything about it - yeah yeah it was a bit like fallout games but so what, it still delivered a great narrative of a potential realistic world and story.

So please dont judge this show by the harsh reviews, check it out yourself and go with it, as always, dont expect Star Wars big budget amazingness in every episode.

The cast and crew are really attempting to join the legendary sci fi shows like Babylon 5 and The Expanse and Star Trek. And so I hope you can try and then enjoy this show.

Yours Sincerely,

A Big Sci Fi Fan.
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