Review of Kill Shot

Kill Shot (2023)
See Rachel Cook. See Rachel Cook Strip. See Rachel Cook Run!
4 December 2023
I know this is futile to write a review for a movie that everybody has said is absurdly bad, or maybe they said absurd AND bad, but I can't help myself because there are a few things left unmentioned.

The ?good? Parts first. If you like the idea of seeing Rachel Cook running around the Montana wilderness in sexy black lingerie, you're in luck. Don't ask why she's constantly getting (mostly) undressed in the middle of a very cold Montana, just enjoy the show.

Unlike others here, I didn't find the acting bad. There just wasn't very much of it. The first 5 minutes is basically a little Muslim girl tramping through the (supposedly) Afghanistan snow with a briefcase full of money. Silly, but scenic. The rest of the movie alternates between, look at the wonderful scenery of Montana and let's just shoot all the bad guys with magic bullets that always kill people (if you're the good guys) and always miss (if you're the bad guys). Plus there's some rock climbing, and wide angle views of Elk and a Grizzly (looks more like a brown bear to me, but never mind).

Now to the basic plot. The movie opens with Afghanis in a, presumably, opioid factory, handling a little girl a briefcase with what we're later told is 100 million dollars. Never mind that much money couldn't possibly fit in a briefcase even full of $1,000 bills. Where can you spend 100,000 thousand dollar bills? Never mind that there only 165,000 thousand dollar bills in existence. You gonna walk into a 7/11 and ask for change? The FBI would be on you like you were the Branch Davidians. OK, that's number one.

I won't even go into the idea of forcing folks out of an armored truck by pulling a flame thrower from under your hijab and--making the cab, too hot? So the crew gets out, and instead of shooting the dim bulb with the flame thrower, just crouch around shooting (and missing) a lot until they get shot.

The basic plot is taking $100 million from an opium ranch in the wilderness of Afghanistan and smuggling it into ?Canada? Via the ?United States? Sorry, in what universe does drug money flow from the source to the land of your customers? It's the drugs that flow that way. If you already had the $100 million, you wouldn't bother processing the drugs. And somehow it's easier to smuggle money into the US, and then into Canada?

I could go on, but what's the point? If you're into scenery, just turn your mind off and enjoy it. Just don't look for things to make any sense.
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