The Shift (II) (2023)
Religious film disguised as sci fi
4 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I never write reviews but felt compelled enough to write one so others don't get duped like me.

This is a religious film disguised as sci fi. The "sci fi" in this film is a joke. If I had known what this movie was truly about I never would have watched it. I mean I have nothing against religious films or religion. But don't try and disguise this film as something it's not.

The film's message is that God will put you through endless amounts of suffering, but it'll all be alright in the end if you just have faith. Smh. Honestly, I kept asking myself thoughout the movie why the guy didn't just take the deal offered by the devil. It looked like a pretty sweet gig, especially because they never bothered to explain what the catch was.

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