Insipid people, their bad decisions and overreactions
5 December 2023
At one point a journalist in the film, at first exposure to some news about these events, says "This seems like potentially this could be a story." Unfortunately, that potential turns out to be very low, at least in the hands of these filmmakers. This is a disjointed, slow and dull doc about a psychotic speed freak who manipulates and takes advantage of a few dopey and uninteresting college students who are not smart enough to stay away from him. The people in this are among the most bland and clueless people you will ever witness. The things they say are unbelievably, mind numbingly brainless. Calling this the story of a "sex cult" is a major stretch. Nothing here looks anything like a sex cult, or really any kind of cult at all. These are simply dimwitted people doing unintelligent things, some of which do bear the distinction of being criminal, but ultimately it is very difficult to be very invested in what happens to any of them. Nothing at all interesting happens film-wise, just a bunch of snoozy interviews with boring people, backed with swelling, dramatic piano music meant to add weight and emotion to the feather light substance of what they are saying. The story is nebulous and full of holes and questions, all presented very dramatically and mysteriously. Evil is in the air at all times, but the stakes are so low that cracking the mystery is not worth the time, nor is any attempt made by the filmmakers. There isn't that much story here, and this goes on for over three hours. A puffed up piece of nonsense about essentially a series of misguided non events that the participants got very upset about, even though everything that happened was fairly minor and entirely their fault. A con man pulls a long, transparently far-fetched series of con jobs on a bunch of dullards, and the victims are subsequently confused and hurt. In the end, an exercise in telling a story that does not matter as if it somehow matters. Proof that you do not need to be smart or talented to get into college, or become a doctor (?), or make a documentary film apparently. One bright spot is you will probably feel better about yourself after watching these imbeciles and listening to their mostly sleepy and occasionally histrionic drivel for three hours.
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