Dan Vs.: Dan Vs. The High School Reunion (2012)
Season 3, Episode 5
Worst episode in Dan vs
6 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I hate this episode. This is the first bad episode for me. Is my number 1 worst episode in entire series Because Dan was extremely jerk, is boring, Chris is a jerk, Elise is unlikable, and people are stalking Dan and they don't care about being mad at him, and they didn't kick Chris out of stage. Hurt by not being invited to his high school reunion (despite having no interest to go in the first place), Dan attempts to ruin it with the ultimate prank.

This is one of the very few episodes to not have a real villain, unless one counts Elise since she was trying to replace Dan as Chris's friend.

An instrumental cover of 99 Luftballons by Nena can be heard in the background during the first scene in the high school gymnasium.
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