My review of double trouble but not liar liar
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Simon attempts to go into the closet when Alvin interrupts him. Having successfully gotten Alvin to leave, he's interrupted again only this time by Dave. Simon heads downstairs while Alvin sneaks through the window to break into Simon's secret lab. Inside he is knocked unconscious by an electric shock and wakes to find a clone of himself. After a moment of terror, Theodore directs Alvin downstairs to get them food only for Alvin to run into Simon who suspects his brother's hiding something. Back in their room, Alvin asks Theo to watch his double while he does dishes. His double jumps out the window instead and Dave confronts him for his behavior. The clone irritates Dave and breaks more dishes so Alvin takes him to The Chipettes' Treehouse where, initially reluctant, the girls decide to watch him after he complements Brittany. Back at the Seville House, Dave grounds Alvin and forces him to stay in his room. Meanwhile, The Chipettes paint the double's nails before learning of his destructive tendencies. They take him shopping to get him out of the house, all the while Alvin receives texts of embarrassing images. The girls give back his clone so Alvin ties him to a bed in the basement to keep him out of trouble. He manages to get free to make more clones that attack the boys as Alvin wakes up from the dream. Simon reveals to him his invention doesn't actually clone anything but instead generates unpoppable bubbles. I hate this episode because of Dave, why does Dave ground the real Alvin when is a clone's fault, I hate it when Dave does that, not only that Dave was a jerk, is because the clone Alvin was a idiot and Dave was a dummy, Dave thinks that the real alvin does it 24/7 when is a fake and clone one, stupid Dave and fake alvin.
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