Solid research to find common ground between religion and LGBTQ+ community
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is well-researched in biblical text and translations. The bible has been used as a tool against the LGBTQ+ community for years. The research finds that there was a mistranslation and it was corrected, but the damage had been done. My hope is that this film will open eyes and minds and heal hearts. There's no hate or judgement by the film makers. Instead they approach this subject with love and curiosity. Anyone with a religious background should watch this documentary. Well made and so very informative. I was able to stream it through the NYC Doc festival where it won the audience choice award. All the awards it's receiving well deserved. I truly hope this film will reach a wide audience and churches will choose to sponsor viewings for the congregations. I've been an ally as long as I knew what that word was and the community needs so much healing.
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