Silly and cliche but enjoyable
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Christmas With The Knightlys is a made for TV Christmas movie in the spirit of a Hallmark or Great American Family style film. If you've seen lots of those movies, there is nothing new here. However, despite being predictable and cliche, it's an easy to watch and fun entry into TV movie film genre.

The opening scene, where our female lead gets dumped by her boyfriend who is more focused on work than her is almost painfully overacted and derivative of a dozen other movies. However, the film finds its footing soon after.

The plot is straightforward - our lead (Georgia) and her boyfriend break up. Our male lead (Chase) is an ultra wealthy public figure who needs his public image rehabilitated. They happen to bump into each other and an agreement is reached to pretend to date. He gets a public image boost by dating an "everyday teacher" and she gets a new community center paid for by his ultra rich family.

The dramatic tension comes from the predictable falling in love while both thinking it's just an arrangement of convenience. There's a nosy tabloid journalist who discovers the relationship is a sham and causes Chase's family to lose a big business deal and all the associated family members to get upset that they were misled about the relationship. Entirely predictable if you've seen a lot of these types of movies

While the film offers nothing original and long time Hallmark watchers could probably predict every plot point along the way, it's well executed. The movie has a good and festive soundtrack, the scenery and set design has plenty of Christmas spirit with lights and decorated trees everywhere, the film is well paced and reasonably well acted after the first scene and there's some light hearted humor. The points of tension are quickly resolved and we get our happy ending. One thing I appreciated about this film compared to some others is the plot moves very quickly. No padding, or extended and drawn out dialogue.

Nothing about the movie stands out in either a particularly good or bad way but as far as generic TV Christmas movies go, it's an easy and enjoyable watch. If you like Hallmark styled Christmas movies and don't mind a silly plot and predictable script, it's worth watching.
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