What an absolutely STPUID SHOW! (And that is being kind)
12 December 2023
First of all this TRIED to be like the spaghetti westerns of old in the 60's but it PALED in comparison to those! The story jumped from place to place ...the ending was absolutely AWFUL ....and the show was just overall DUMB!

I should have known when the words came up that it was a totally fictional movie.... OF COURSE IT WAS! Why did they feel they had to state the obviuous? But I did not know how it was going to go.... The westerns I have seen.actually had a PLOT to them, this plot jumped so much you could not make out what the plot actually was.

Not to mention the horrible acting to go along with the non exsistant plot! I will never get back the minutes of this movie I watched which is a shame because watching grass grow would have been better than this!
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