Mannix: A Chance at the Roses (1970)
Season 3, Episode 16
13 December 2023
Lionel Siegel (PEYTON PLACE), known for writing some very interesting material, may have borrowed a bit from MARCUS WELBY here, which at the time he was also writing for.

That said... watch carefully. It all centers around a young man called Danny (played by character actor Gordon Hoban), accused of robbing a pharmacy twice to support his drug habit, and more recently shooting the phramacist. Here's the thing, and I agree with the last reviewer. This is a cop story told in reverse! Generally, the cops are trying to crack some undercover plan. In this case, the bad guys (and they are a work of art!), are trying to figure out what kind of plan the cops have laid out. Get it?

Siegel may have been writing a movie script, as this is the kind of story that could have gone on for more than an hour, but paired it down for MANNIX. Possibilities. As the series went on, there were episodes that obviously were outlined for MISSION IMPOSSIBLE that turned up on this show.

Leslie Charleson plays Marge, Danny's wife, who immediately goes to Joe for help (although he's not too keen about it), claiming he isn't an addict and would have no reason to commit such a crime. Yes, there is an eye witness!

Two honorable mentions here. Veteran tough guy and western star Scott Brady plays Delaney and popular villain Ted de Corsia (of all actors!) plays Danny's father, Mr. Lavor. Also in the cast is Dewey Martin as Lt. Lockwood and Sandy Kenyon, in a very good role. At the time, Scott Brady was starring in some wild cult films.

Nicholas Webster directed, who handled three episodes for the series, fondly remembered for bringing us the cult film, SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTAINS (1964).

When it's all finished, the title, "A Chance at the Roses" may make sense! You be the judge. SEASON 3 EPISODE 16 remastered CBS dvd box set.
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