There's slow, then there's sloooow
13 December 2023
I'm on the 6th episode of this show and the suspense is pretty well done by twisting and turning the story to keep you guessing. But honestly I'm tired of guessing. The real messages of the movie hit home and started preaching about global warming. I had several eye rolling moments that made me chuckle but all and all it's a decent story. Darby is probably one worst characters and obviously suffers from some type of learning disability or mental illness. She's not a great main character because I often get more annoyed by her antics rather than cheer her on. She's annoying. When will directors and writers realize the women they cast as main characters come across as arrogant and lame rather than someone we want to root for. By the end of the 6th episode I was rooting for the main character to die. That shouldn't be my main objective. Lol. I love myself some Clive Owen, I only wish he was the main character in the show because he can actually act and not come across as a spoiled man child with aspergers. This show suffers from it's own agenda, and not being able to get out of it's own way with writing that at times doesn't make much sense. Please stop making women annoying. Thanks.
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