Law & Order: Driven (2008)
Season 18, Episode 5
One of the best
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love it when these episodes get deep & twisty! This one concerning an age old problem, racsim and gentrification. We'll keep having these problems until a great change happens and it helps by having these stories to watch. They get us all thinking, about what happened, what could have happened, what should have happened and what would we ourselves do in the same situation. The lawyers all handled it best they could and it was a good decision to try them both at the same time. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what could've happened had they tried them separately. Both defendants were wrong. The father should never have shot his gun and the mother should never have armed the boys and drove them to take care of the matter! There's a lot of better ways to teach your children to stand up for themselves against bullies. It is a huge problem all over and I just hope there's not a lot of parents handling bullying like this mother. You can tell there were underlying factors in her decision, her previous actions about people in her neighborhood showed how she was. The father also was already upset about numerous things and his anger blinded him. It would have been so easy for him to yell, run out to his son, most likely scaring the boy closest to them, gaining enough time to get his son safely away from them. But that's the thing, people don't often think before they act. If we could stop and see all the outcomes flash by before acting.....yeah right, fantasy world! The poor innocent girl made this tragedy all the worse. The actors played their roles well and the jury made the best and surprising verdict. There may be hope after all.

As a footnote, I get a kick out of McCoy in his new position. Especially when Cutter pulls stunts like he used to and now McCoy's saying things like Adam and Arthur used to! BTW, does McCoy ever smile???
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